Se alguém souber o que é o ocaso, por favor, me conte. Faz muito tempo que ele mexe comigo, ritma minha respiração e lança em mim todas as certezas contra minhas dúvidas superficiais. Sim, o ocaso é exigente e se recusa acreditar nas mentiras que confortam. Acho que um pouco como eu, um pouco como Antígona em Sófocles, também o ocaso está no 'entremeios' lacaniano, nem vida e nem morte, nem dia e nem noite. Demorei muito a entender que o incomodo era me ver tão parecido com aquele momento único, intenso, rápido e efêmero. Porém ainda que termine, todos os dias eu tenho algo da natureza semelhante a mim mostrado a todos, agora que estou acostumado a nudez já não me importo e chega ser confortável saber que eu sou aquilo que nunca será plenitude, nascimento ou morte, e vivo para sempre nas fronteiras das adjetivações elevadas ao absoluto, das qualidades puras.
If anyone knows what is sunset, please tell me. A long time it moves me, makes my breath and throws me all my certainties against superficial questions. Yes, sunset is demanding and refuses to believe the lies that comfort. I think it looks like me, also looks like Antigone in Sophocles, because sunset is in the 'inset' [ Entremeios ] Lacanian, neither life nor death, neither day nor night. It took me long to understand that the inconvenience was I perceive myself as like that moment, intense, fast and ephemeral. But still to finish, every day I have something of nature like me shown to all, now that I'm accustomed to nudity just do not care and is comforting to know that I am that will never be full, birth or death, and live forever border of adjectives that are elevated to the absolute, the pure qualities.
If anyone knows what is sunset, please tell me. A long time it moves me, makes my breath and throws me all my certainties against superficial questions. Yes, sunset is demanding and refuses to believe the lies that comfort. I think it looks like me, also looks like Antigone in Sophocles, because sunset is in the 'inset' [ Entremeios ] Lacanian, neither life nor death, neither day nor night. It took me long to understand that the inconvenience was I perceive myself as like that moment, intense, fast and ephemeral. But still to finish, every day I have something of nature like me shown to all, now that I'm accustomed to nudity just do not care and is comforting to know that I am that will never be full, birth or death, and live forever border of adjectives that are elevated to the absolute, the pure qualities.
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